My christmas wish request this year is that everyone that can please
check with your area dog/cat shelters and if they have ferrets please
adopt them or help find homes for them. I know ferret shelters are
brimming over, but ferrets in the dog/cat shelters normally face a
heartbreaking existance because of the lack of ferret care knowledge
of the shelter workers. And please check with your area ferret shelter
to see what you can do to help them.

If there are no ferrets at the dog/cat shelters, please visit your
area ferret shelter to adopt.

Please, if you are able, financially and emotionally, and if you have
room in your heart and home, adopt ferrets from your area dog/cat
shelter, or ferret shelter.

This is a loving giving time of year and what better gift to give a
homeless fuzzy than a loving home and loving family.

holiday blessings. tle

[Posted in FML 5461]