Yes Vicki, there is someone doing this. It was done to me last year
and the crap she pulled about the gifts she said she sent and I never
recieved still makes me angry. I hope this doesn't happen to anyone
this year. Us rescue/shelter moms & dads work very hard and often do
without to ensure that these little buddles of love get everything they
need and want. I think the Giving Tree is a great idea and it pains me
to think that someone would actually stiff a rescue/shelter of the
gifts that they were promised. I hope & pray that it doesn't happen
to anyone again this year.

Debi & the Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue

"Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue & Ferretry"

LOSN Senior Specialy & Championship Ferret Judge

Ferret Whisperer - Best Ferret Group Ever!

[Posted in FML 5460]