> http://www.shreveporttimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061215/NEWS01/312150012

My comments:
I saw the initial news story about the puppy but I had not heard about
the ferret being involved. GRRRRRRR!! I told my husband that night that
there is something not right about this case. WHY didn't the parents
wake when the baby started crying? Don't you think a baby would cry if
something was chewing on its toes?! I believe the parents were under
the influence. It is NOT the first time a pet has been accused and has
turned out to be rats...AND the parents were drunk, stoned, etc.

In ALL the cases I have followed up on (the media is bad about NOT
clearing the ferrets...I have contacts all over the world), it has been
a rat and the parents have been, ahem, "asleep." The puppy "may" have
done it. The ferret "may" have done it. Probably not. They may have but
I really doubt it. And again, why didn't mommy and daddy hear the cries
when "whatever" was biting?

Blood anyone? Surely the puppy or ferret would be covered in blood. Any
evidence of either animal being recently bathed? What was dad doing
while mom went the to hospital with baby? Just WHAT was the scene
evidence spoken of? Any evidence the BABY was gorked so mom and dad
could party? Has happened before. Wouldn't surprise me. I, for one
don't think the puppy OR the ferret did it. Whatever the results....
it is a SHAME. A crying shame. Some people don't need pet rocks, much
less a child. That poor baby. :::Shaking my head:::

Standing by, waiting on the truth. IF we ever hear it....

Tequita Williamson, Certified Birth Doula (DONA)
Lung cancer kills more women every year than any other cancer.

[Posted in FML 5460]