Well, in Edinburgh today they are toasting Hilbert's fourth birthday.
It seems their department tradition demands an unusual excuse to enjoy
this annual relaxing celebration. One of the students saw Hilbert's
birthday mentioned on Tingilinde, so today, with wonderful brogues,
Hilbert the Ferret was mightily remembered and cheered on his birthday
as pints were downed.

Yes, Hilbert IS named after the mathematician:

Photo of our Hilbert (the ferret) below (back when we had the old cage)
with Wizzy helping him. (Hilbert had some serious congenital health
problems which cumulated in bilateral hydronephrosis and urethal
blockage -- with acute kidney damage that took a year to bounce back
from decently, and he will always be delicate.)


Sukie (not a vet)
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[Posted in FML 5459]