Please understand this lady is crafty-- She's used several names for
her "rescue" including the one below.. Now I see she has some other
name on another of her shelter listings as operator ( a friend or an
alias I can't speculate)

But you will see the phone numbers match up as does her M.O. --- she
posts sob stories on Petfinder will not allow anyone to "adopt" or to
visit these tragic victims when called.. she just wants $$ to assist
them.. I have my doubts about all of her claims and have notified
anyone I could.. The only positive response I receive was for the Utah
DA and they are supposed to be following up.. Please feel free to
contact anyone you can in her area.. her history is to attrcious to
allow it to happen again.. I even sent her record to petfinder-- but
she's still posting there.. perhaps if we all protest..

Do a fml seach on her name and you will find the whole story.

interesting how these two shelters have the same phone etc.. the second
lists Jen Morrison as the contact

[Posted in FML 5458]