Hello everyone,

Well I gave Pecan his first bath in his medicated shampoo stuff. Had
to keep him wet for 10 minutes that was real fun, NOT! I posted 6 new
pictures of him on the FHL photo area. I just named the red itchy
ferret pecan 2 & 3. They were really big files. Each photo was almost
3 mg. Such great detail. By the time they were reduced by Yahoo they
aren't as nice but still a lot better than what I had before. You owe
it to your guys to go take a look just to be informed. If anybody wants
a copy of the original pictures let me know but just know they are huge

Well, when it rains it pours. Another foster set here LuLu and LingLing
I sent to a private college for x-rays and a bath. Ling Ling had been
sounding a little squeeky lately. Turns out she has pneumonia. LuLu had
a tiny mast cell tumor. She came back with 2 almost two inch incisions
from them removing mast cell tumors and they didn't even take off the
one I was worried about. To top it off they used STAPLES instead of
glue. Man, I haven't seen staples used in a ferret in, like, forever.
So, as if my hands weren't full of a Pecanhead I now have two more that
need some extra loves and attention. 

Pecan is about the same. Tired, exhausted but still eating well and no

Keep good thoughts for us, please.

With Love, MJB

[Posted in FML 5457]