I have come to all ferret lovers with a important finding/question.

Many shelters and ferret keepers have been suffering with a unknown
illness this last year. We have all beaten our heads trying treat it
and figure it out. And even give it a name. Some of us believe we have
had a nearly indestructible coccidian. Some of us thought we have had a
Mutated ECE break out. It has also been labeled Corona virus, or even
a Parvo. Some ferrets have recovered. Worst of all, Many ferrets have
been lost to it.

After yet another heart breaking call last night, I started thumbing
through a well known veterinary book. The Merck Veterinary Manual 8th
edition. Under the heading of "Mink" page 1364, is a strangely familiar
disease is listed. In this case it is called, Mink Viral Enteritis.
What alarms me most is the information that a vaccine for mink farms is
available for this. It is listed as a Enteritis/Distemper vaccine. I
find it unbelievable that even after the mention of getting much needed
vaccines for Distemper from the Mink farms (during the well known
shortage) ; NO where has ANY mention of this vaccine been made. What is
this? Why has no one thought of it, or said anything? All the symptoms
listed match what has been happening to the sick ferrets. Even if this
is not the same illness, what vaccine is this? Should we be using it?
And I know I need not point out that since Mink and Ferrets can share
several diseases, it is not insane to think they may share this one as
well. After all many of us know there are several ferret lovers that
one way or another acquired a mink.

If you can please shed a little light on this for me.


[Posted in FML 5457]