Happy Holidays to everyone from the fuzzies at Okeechobee Ferret & Cat

I am having my last eBay auctions now. Putting on more after midnight
Monday Dec. 11th, these will be 3 day auctions so items can be shipped
in time for the holidays. I have not been able to get much on for the
past few months since I've been dealing with the new mobile home
situation here and I still have months more to deal with. I am really
low on funds, so I have taken items out of the eBay store, placed them
under auctions and marked them down. I need to raise some funds.
Because of all going on here, I won't be able to get anything on for
the next couple of months. Dealing with this house situation has been a
nightmare, and if another hurricane comes thru and destroys this place,
my behind is moving out of this state! I would never go thru this
again. I would never wish this on anyone. It's been really rough both
emotionally and financially.

So many shelters are closing and we don't have many taking in ferrets
in this state. If raising funds continues to be as difficult as they
have been lately, I will be shutting my doors also. The reality is
this: If the funds aren't there and you can't feed or care for them,
then it's time to shut down. Dealing with the hurricane problems here
for the past two years, not being able to really get a lot going on
eBay has plain put me in the hole. I know this is the case for many
other shelters and was the problem with those that closed. It seems
that fairly soon, there won't be any shelters to take in the unwanted
ferrets, then where do they go? I've already had a call that someone
saw a guy riding his bike down the street with a ferret in his hand
and the next thing , he stopped, dropped the ferret on the side of the
road and rode off. Luckily the person that saw this , went to get the

People who get them and don't know what they are taking on, are getting
desperate, if they can't find another home for the ferret or a shelter
to take them, they are letting them go. A sad ending for a ferret as we

Please take a look at my auctions, see if there is anything you can
use, wait until about noon on Tuesday the 12th to make sure I've got
everything listed.

If you would like to make a donation, paypal addy is
[log in to unmask]

Wishing everyone a Safe & Happy Holiday Season!

Sue & the Okeechobee Gang

Please visit my eBay auctions, always raising funds for food, meds,
spays and neuters, vet bills, etc.

[Posted in FML 5454]