Does anybody out there have (or ever had) a ferret with asthma? I
suspect my newest boy, Shakespeare, does. He coughs every single day -
but can go hours in between coughs. Other times, coughs continuously
for 30-60 seconds. He's been like this since the day I brought him home
6 weeks ago. Seems perfectly healthy in every other way (plays like
a demon, eats as much alone as the other 2 combined, pottys several
times a day - looks good) & has no nasal or eye discharge. I did some
research over the weekend & read somewhere that someone treated their
fert that had asthma with .75ccs of children's Benadryl twice a day.
Has anyone else done this & if so, to what results??

Thanks for all the help FMLers!

Kira the Wonder Fert, Danny Phantom & Shakespeare the Courageous

[Posted in FML 5454]