Horses love playing in the snow and trotting with their jingle bells
on. Kittys love batting the ornaments on the tree. Birds love shredding
the ribbons and paper. Dogs love the extra goodies to eat and tree
water to drink. But ferrets, ferrets truly enjoy the spirit of it all.
They savor every second of it: the flickering lights, the tree water,
the ribbons, the tree ornaments, the boxes and paper, the tree itself
(to climb), the boxes and paper, jingle bells, tinsel, cups of nog to
spill and lap up, stockings to snorkel through ... I have to stop.
There is no way to list everything that a ferret enjoys and
participates in during Christmas without leaving something out.

I have owned more kinds of pets in my life time than many of you could
imagine. From mice to horses. But no animal compares to a ferret during
Christmas. They really are just like little kids and appreciate every
ounce of it. I love Christmas too, so having ferrets around during the
holidays just increases my joy ten fold.

As the great Forret Gump said,
"That's all I have to say about that ..."


[Posted in FML 5453]