>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Does anyone here have any experience with the Kritter Korral available
>at KritterKoncepts.net? It's a plexiglass-and-wood playpen that looks
>pretty neat, although a bit expensive at $229. Still, I have such
>trouble keeping mine in the Marshall playpen because one of mine can
>scale it (he's even gotten out of it when it had the canvas lid on it)
>and then I have a tiny girl who can squeeze through the bars and get
>Does anyone have one of these or know anyone who does? If so, what do
>you think of it? Is it sturdy and safe?

i have not personally had one of these...but i do know Kathy and Barry
who are KritterKoncepts... and they are the most wonderful people...
no two ways about that... i am pretty sure i have seen these at the
shows...and would give my right arm to have one... i too have a couple
ferrets who can escape the regular wire playpens...:)

if you can afford it...i would definitely recommend it...


Fuzzy Hugs & Whiskered Kisses from Kat the Happy Hooker [so named by BC]

REB's RAFFLE http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com/RebsMemorialRaffle.html
SOS RAFFLE http://www.supportourshelters.org/SOS-raffle.html

[Posted in FML 5440]