
If the boyfriend doesn't like the ferret the ferret is going to be able
to sense this. Your ferret might be warning you about him. Maybe you
should get rid of him instead? =) He is moving into your place and the
ferrets place. He is moving into their territory and home. She might
feel threatened by him. The ferret was there first. Make sure and tell
him your animals are your family. Some men don't seem to understand
this very well. My father doesn't. Animals are not disposable. Animals
are a life long commitment. She should be able to live out the rest of
her life with you. You raised her. She knows you. This just makes me
want to cry. Don't you think it would break her heart to leave the only
family she's ever known?

I'm sorry you have to make this decision. An ex of mine asked me before
if I had to choose between him and my beloved cat, I chose the cat.
Good thing too. My animals didn't like him and they had good reason. I
should have listened to them more closely sooner. I wound up in a very
bad relationship. I'm not saying that is your situation, I just don't
think it's fair you have to choose between your ferret and the bf.
Choose the ferret. If he's going to be selfish about it. Tell him to
go in another room when she's out playing. Just don't pass her along.
This just makes me so sad. It breaks my heart.


[Posted in FML 5440]