::A dark blue mist creeps along the ground out of the TN woods. The
mist gathers into a tighter mass. Then it begins to take some sort of
form. Little by little as the smoke seems to implode inwards, that
form begins to take the form of a human and then transforms into The

"Dippy? Dippy?"

::A tiny little furangel flutters over her shoulder::

"Where is everybody?"

"Maybe their hiding," she dooks. "Hey, maybe we can 'neak up on em."

"That would be a good idea if we knew where they were," said the Oracle
with a great role of her eyes.

"What'd you do to em?"


"What you do to make them go away?"

"Okay! Why is it something like this happens and the first thing
everyone does is look at me?! Sheesh!"

"Um, maybe because you be so annoying and crazy? Maybe cause your magic
be so .... so .... spazzy?"

::With a great expletive "ugh", the Oracle crosses her arms and turns
her back on the tiny weangel hovering over her shoulder.::

"I know! Let's make a potion to get the FML'er love puppets talking

"What will you put in it?"

"Mmm, raw meat and kibble?"


"Hehehe, just kidding."

The Great Ferret Oracle

[Posted in FML 5439]