Hey all,

While pondering about ferret shelters a crossed this great country
I began to wonder if others were having the same or similar daily
occurrences, difficulties & joys. Then I remembered I am talking
about ferrets, the little "fur thief", so, yeah...duh!

Tons of us, homespun sanctuaries peppered thru-out the states, some
operating covertly under the radar of local authorities because
of zoning issues or stupid blue laws or other rules formed from
antiquated knowledge.

How many of us in the same areas? Do we know if anyone else is "saving"
fur kids in the neighborhood?

I was wondering if there would be an interest in forming regional
chapters & pooling our local efforts, may be looking toward the IFC,
AFA & S.O.S. for guidance.

A vast number of us are intertwined already but we could achieve so
much more if organized shelters & the mom 'n pop places statewide & in
bordering states were to combine their expertise & motivation. Those of
us that have been lucky enough to attend one of the IFC's symposiums
and witnessed the fervor from those presenting & those in attendance
have walked away with a renewed sense of purpose, driven to take on the
task of furthering ferret education & welfare. But not everyone gets to
sneak away from ferret "doo~dee" for a 3 day weekend, or an extended
over the border jaunt and those are the folks that need the inspiration
boost the most. May be having some sort of quarterly district meetings
between operators would allow us to share what works for some to help
others, our own meeting of the minds... 'cause as all of you know, we
ferret people are in our own little mindset!

How would the districts be divided? Who decides where the group
meets? When & how long? Are we providing lunch? (LOL!... but a valid
question) Who chairs the madness?

Okay, so I don't have much in the way of answers and have a ton of
other questions I can toss up but what about the basic idea?

Hey, it's not about food but lets give this as much debate... just
teasing gang, don't get those tails all frizzed!!!


[Posted in FML 5439]