The furkids from the West Michigan Ferret Connection are finally up on
the Ferret Giving Tree. They are on pages 29 - 30. We almost missed the
deadline completely. There just aren't enough hours in a day. Thank you
to Rose for her work on this project.

Only 6 of the kids from last year are on the Tree this year: Slick,
Weezy, Daisy, Frodo, Desdemona and Bandit.

Rocky, Susie, Pepe and Weezy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge during
this last year. Nip is loving life with a foster mom and a new (ferret)
brother & (ferret) sister (Simon & Aslin).

Slick & Weezy are hanging in there. Slick is adrenal and Weezy is
adrenal, slightly insulinomic and has a mast cell tumor on her chest.
I'm not sure she could survive the surgery to remove it. Both are on
melatonin implants. Despite the 3 implants, Slick won't what I call
"fur up" completely. Weezy is very delicate.

Daisy lost her cagemate, Rocky, a couple of months ago but it hasn't
slowed her down. She's extremely active and always underfoot when she's
out. She's adrenal and receiving the melatonin

Desdemona will outlive us all. She's affectionately known as the Psycho
Ferret around here because besides being deaf, she doesn't like other
ferrets and she's an aggressive biter. She has a mast cell tumor on her
shoulder that needs to be removed.

Bandit is my "old curmudgeon". A caseworker brought him in last year
because his owner was a pregnant druggie and unable to keep him. How he
lived to be 8 years old with her, I don't know, but he's 9 years old
now. He definitely does not like other ferrets. He's a sweet old guy
who loves playing with a fuzzy ball that hangs from the rod & line.
Better yet, he loves to run off with it. He thinks mushy Totally Ferret
is a real treat.

Frodo is a sweet old man. He doesn't stay out very long but he enjoys
the time he is out. He mosies here and he mosies there, finds a place
to curl up and go to sleep.

May I add to my wish list? If so, I would like to add Advantage for
kittens, cable ties and shower curtain rings. For some reason, fleas
have been a nuisance. I think it may be because of all the events so
from now on everytime I take them out in public, they're getting dosed
before they go back in their cages at home. Cable ties have become my
new best friend. I use them consistently connecting playpens when I'm
at events. I use the little ones to attach food dishes onto the doors
of carriers. I picked up some snack cups for babies at the Dollar Store
(with lids). I poked 2 holes in the sides of the cups and attach them
to the doors of the carriers. They work so much easier than trying to
fight with regular dishes & water bottles. Shower curtain rings goes
without saying. I use them for hanging hammies & sacks. With 56 ferrets
here at one time, I actually ran out.

Thank you, Kris, for keeping this event going. Thank you FML members
for your compassion to these wonderful creatures of God.

West Michigan Ferret Connection

[Posted in FML 5436]