I am not sure what has gotten into my kiddies, during the last few
days. It appears, most of them have turned into Fert-Brats, as a way
to drive me up the walls. If this keeps up, they will be receiving
Lumps Of Coal in their Christmas Stockings.

Yesterday morning, one of the Furo Mafia girls got into the bathroom,
past the two barriers, which I always put in place. Later, after their
playtime was over, I discovered my last roll of Butt Wipe was in the
toilet bowl. As I usually do, I had forgotten to drop the toilet seat.
The toilet paper was on the shelf, over the toilet. I have my
suspicions, about Sprite doing the Dirty Deed.

Also, yesterday morning, everywhere Snow Flurry went, she did her
version of the Wild Weasel Dance. I should have realized, she was
doing the Snow Dance. Over night, most of Central Florida had Snow
Flurries, extending south of Orlando.

Marco Gotti keeps dislodging a Sleep House, from the second story
shelf. He was upset at Gabby, Jezzy, Sheela and Stitch, who will not
share the two houses, with him. He thinks if he pushes a house off the
shelf, two of the girls will fall out. As big and heavy as he is, when
he is in a house, there is no room for another fuzzy.

Late last week, I discovered Marco Gotti had ordered twenty-four packs
of Bandit's Treats, besides a Santa Suit, from the Ferret Store. At
least, the last time he placed an order, he thought about my birthday.
I got a nice pink Betty Boop tee-shirt, with the In Your Face graphic.
I am still waiting on two of four more items, which he ordered from
Dancewear Solutions, well over a month ago.

Sheela and Stitch have discovered where I hide my stash of Smarties
candy. They learned how to take the plastic lid off the Maxwell House
coffee can, which I keep under my computer desk. A few times, I have
chased them, into the kitchen, to retrieve a roll of candy, they had
stolen. Thankfully, they have not discovered how to open the
refrigerator, where I keep my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. These two
girls and Jezzy can smell candy, from across the room.

No matter how many times I put Gabby back on the floor, after climbing
up on an endtable, she is back, in no time flat. She loves to knock
things onto the floor, than to admire herself, in a three power makeup

The Furo Mafia:
Snow Flurry (F) Albino
Sprite (F) Black Sable
Nami (F) Marked White
Sneaker (M) Silver Mitt Panda Blaze
Nipper (M) Cinnamon

The Brat Pack:
Stitch (F) Marked White
Tazzy (M) Albino
Jezzabelle (F) Light Brown Sable
Sheela (F) Marked White
Gabrielle (F) Silver Mitt Blaze
Marco Gotti (M) Dark Brown Sable

Rainbow Bridge:
Scooter (F) Albino
Bandit (M) Light Brown Sable
Scottie (M) Cinnamon
Princess (F) Marked White
Snow Storm (M) Albino
Calamity Jane (F) Black Sable
Frisky (F) Black Sable
QT-WeeOne (F) Light Brown Sable
Trouble (M) Light Brown Sable
Scamper (M) Black Sable

Calamity Jane and Frisky were sisters, about five years old. Scamper
was Sprite's brother, who is still deeply missed by her. Scamper made
the Crossing to the Rainbow Bridge Meadow on the 10th of October.

Ferrets Rule My World!
Owned By The Brat Pack And The Furo Mafia!

[Posted in FML 5435]