One of my sweet ferrets is having surgery this morning. He has a mass
that is hard and taking up his whole belly. He had an ultrasound on
Saturday and it is HUGE. He is at the vets on an iv drip overnight and
was started on antibiotics for an infection as he has a fever. Our vet
is going in and trying to get it and/or debulk it if possible. If it
has invaded his organs or impossible to remove, she will let him go
on the table. Please send good thoughts and please keep Mouse in your
prayers if you will. I am praying for a miracle which he needs at this
time. My vet said the outlook is not good and to be prepared. I did not
want to hear that, no one does. The tears are falling once again as I
write this and I can only hope for that miracle.

Eleanor, Donald and the 6 pack plus 4

[Posted in FML 5434]