This will be very short....apparently since they were the only ones to
find a way to change my words around, AGAIN,....I`ll repeat this....

"" defines "Carnivore" as a "Flesh-eating Animal",..OR
for those that want to hear it 2 ways,.. "An Animal who Eats Flesh"!..
I made the mistake of not expecting the rmb group, from juggling my
post around! I made a simple statement,..".....The best diet for
'carnivores' is meat"......

When one thinks of a carnivore, doesn`t one think of a "meat eating
animal??" My post DID say that we are all discussing a "specific"
carnivore,..The Ferret! I`m still trying to figure out what Amy 
meant by saying, while referring to my post,.." The best diet for a
carnivore, is a diet for a carnivore!"...????....don`t think I ever
will...Why must something said in a way a first grader would understand
easily, be made into a "Let`s find fault with that post", reply?
Juvenile and not fml worthy,... (IMO)....

There, now you don`t have to "remind" us all that BIG decides what is
'fml worthy'. ...and now, again,....ON WITH THE SHOW! 

John R. & the n.j. gang, USA.

john rich <[log in to unmask]>

[Posted in FML 5431]