just a reminder....

SOS is selling the Ferrets of the FML calendar...i have one...it is
absolutely a MUST HAVE!
info at:  http://www.supportourshelters.org/FML_Calendar.html

SOS is selling the Jeanne Carley Calendar "Ferret Fun"...and ya'all
know how great this one is too...info at:

also...2 raffles going on that i am involved in...

ONE...the SOS Christmas Raffle for the ADV+ Shelters...
14 GREAT prize packages!!!!....see them and the info at:

and then the one NON-SOS thing i am involved in is the Memorial Raffle
for Reb McFarlane
there are 29 great prize packages in this one...the money raised will
go to Reb's husband for the vet bill and for the continued care of
Reb's and his precious ferrets...lots of people have donated wonderful
things to this raffle...corporate and personal people...
it is truly an honor to what a wonderful lady Reb was...
you can see the items and get the info for this raffle at:

i will be gone all weekend starting friday am till monday night...going
to vegas to meet with Kim Fox to drag her back to my house to cook us
Thanksgiving dinner...;-)..oh...and she is bringing me my new baby...
WinterBerry...a little albino baby girl...i can not wait to see Kim
again...i may not let her leave next weekend...:):)

ok..just wanted to remind everyone of the goingson here...and i will
see y'all nesxt week...

SOSkat and JustPlaiKat
Fuzzy Hugs & Whiskered Kisses from Kat the Happy Hooker [so named by BC]

REB's RAFFLE http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com/RebsMemorialRaffle.html
SOS RAFFLE http://www.supportourshelters.org/SOS-raffle.html

[Posted in FML 5429]