We are looking for a home for our 3 year male ferret in the Duluth,
MN-Superior, WI area (or anywhere close).

In short, we have moved and our current home/family situation (rental
and 2 year old and 2 month old) is not providing the life that our
little ferret deserves. We are not willing to "dump" our little guy off
on anyone, but if someone was able to provide him a better home with
more attention that would be great. His name is Huey and he is our
second ferret. The first one died at the age of 7 several years ago.
Huey is very good with his litter box, very playful and does not bite
at all. He also is very good with our 2 year old. He loves to scratch
and dig as ferrets will do which has keeps him confined more often
than not, now that we are renting :( We had him with a ferret sitter a
few times while on trips and she said he was not that good with other
ferrets. Being our only one he is much more accustom to human contact
than other ferrets. I'm not sure if this would get better with time??

I am no longer receiving the FML so if any responses could be sent to
[log in to unmask] that would be great.

Chad, Liss, Caleb, Lilly and Huey ...

[Posted in FML 5428]