All you ladies out there (ferrets included) can just give it all up.
Super Tonks is mine, all mine. I sleep with him. I wear him proudly on
a beautiful tee shirt designed by his lovely and talented Aunty Deva.
I also have a tea tipplers anonymous shirt and a mug, too! The tea
tipplers shirt is extra special now that Aunty Reb has crossed over
the bridge. We're all on the shirt together - Aunty Deva, Aunty Wolfy,
Aunty Kat, Mommy, Aunty Julie and Aunty Reb. It is a special shirt.

I would be willing to share my super hero if anyone wans to buy one of
the shirts. Here is the link to get your own super hero to sleep with:

Julie Coddington, Project Manager
Medical Staff Services
Grant Medical Center

(614) 566-8667 telephone
(614) 566-8049 fax

[Posted in FML 5427]