Hi Laura,

Someone forwarded to me your post on the FML regarding my custom
ferret prints and I wanted to drop you a note to let you know why the
difference in price. Believe me, it's not a matter of greed :), I was
looking for a reasonable way for folks to acquire one of my large
custom original photographic prints without too much expense.

The small matted prints were printed offset in large quantities by a
printer in Korea. Essentially they are mass produced on a large press,
not one at a time by hand. They are small, 5" x 7" on nice but not
expensive paper, and are not custom original photographic prints as are
my large prints. The single matts and backing were not a custom size,
nor were they of archival, which is acid free material. The cost was
relatively inexpensive, mostly in labor to assemble the mats and

My large custom prints are just that, custom printed to order for folks
who want a large original image for their home or office. The prints
are printed on high quality digital color paper size 13" x 19". The
images are 11" x 14" but this is the size paper I have to buy to print
them. I take the original image and enhance colors and make other
changes in photoshop for the best possible result so there is quite a
bit of paper used in testing the outcome prior to the final print. The
double matts are large 16" x 20" of acid free material and, in the case
of the 2007 poster, are custom cut. The backing material is also acid
free. Frankly there is no comparison in time and expense between the
small machine made prints and these large original ones literally made
one at a time by hand.

It might interest you to know that several large prints of mine donated
to ferret auctions sold for between $280.00 and $400.00 without matts
before I offered my prints on line! But I wanted to look for a way to
offer my unique ferret images for less. I also offer show specials of
$150.00 per print when I'm in town for a Ferret Photography talk as I
will be when I speak at the AFA Winter Nationals on Dec 1 and Dec 2nd
in Pennsylvania.

For folks interested in a new screensaver, I'm searching for a new
manufacturer. The problem seems to be that some don't realize the
potential market out there. Some just see dogs and cats as THE market.
I wish I had the time to produce and market a new one myself because I
know there is quite a bit of interest but I just don't have the time.
If you own a screensaver that you enjoy, let me know the manufacturer
and how to contact them and I'll keep pursuing options!

In the meantime, the holidays are coming up and I wish you and your
lovely ferrets a happy and safe one!

Jeanne Carley

P.S. If you are going to be at the AFA show, please come by and say
hello. My talk will be at 4:00 PM on Friday and I invite you to see
the quality of these prints for yourself. One of my most popular images
has been donated to the AFA, as a thank you for the invitation to speak
at the show. It will be auctioned on Saturday or Sunday.

Jeanne Carley's 2007 edition, Ferret Fun is here! To enjoy some
amazing ferret photography visit http://www.ferretcompany.com

NEW! Custom prints of Jeanne's terrific ferret photos! Is there a
ferret picture that you've always loved? You can now order your
favorite ferret photo by Jeanne Carley. Click on Collections to

[Posted in FML 5424]