Dear Jay

Loved you wet dog idea - but you are still in the animal kingdom.

I am highly allergic to smoke. Wood stove smoke is okay - but the
smokers kill me.

Have you ever smelled stale smoke - go into a room that has been closed
up and it is awful. A smokers hair, breath, clothes, hands, everything
they touch has that odor.

I had to wean a ferret off of taking food from smokey hands. I was
standing out in my yard, lighting up cigarettes, burning them and
saving the ashes, then rubbing the ashes on my fingers, putting their
meds on my ashy smelling fingers, and watching them gulp it down.

The Surgeon General only talks about second hand smoke - not ashy
fingers, so I guess we are all okay - but that was a hoot.

Ferret smell - nope, those thin while rollers got them beat. Took
about two weeks to get her unhooked.

Marilyn - we only do it for the ferrets.

[Posted in FML 5423]