First of all, Kathryn asked me to share this with anyone who might have
been interested in the Ferrets Magazine/shelter deal. It's an alright
deal, $14.95, not as good as the $9.99 deal I got last year, but

"Thank you for your inquiry regarding the Ferrets subscription program
through shelters. We unfortunately do not have this program running at
this time. We are hoping to reestablish this program, but I do not have
a date of when this may be available again. I would suggest visiting
our website to renew your subscriptions at We offer the subscription at $14.95
for one year - 38% off the newsstand price. 

Thank you for your support! We appreciate your business.

Nikki Dutra
Circulation Manager
Cat Fancy a-a Dog Fancy a-a Dog World
Dogs For Kids a-a Ferrets
(949) 855-8822 x3111
Fax (949) 855-1850"

And also, Meerkat Manor Season One is now available on DVD in the US.
Well, not quite yet, it actually comes out Nov. 30, but it's available
for preorder from the Discovery Store.

More info:


[Posted in FML 5421]