Kris, You have already gotten such materials in the past. I am too busy
to regenerate, so check your files if you kept them. Otherwise, I am
sure that I what I have found you are also capable of finding. I mean
why not? It's just a matter of putting the time into it and using
expert resources.

Sadly, I have noticed that I have been asked many, many times to
repeatedly regenerate such food and disease materials which I already
provided time and time again (some publicly and some privately) , but
that helps no one and hurts me (not a friendly solution).

Besides, after a while from my perspective it inevitably feels like
being sorely used, though I doubt that from the other side of the
equation you realized could happen nor that it builds up like that
when it is repeated behavior.

Keeping files is really a better solution. Please, consider it.

Thanks much from someone who is already over worked looking up ferret
medical info for many of those who need it, and who had to even get a
new computer to accommodate eye damage which reduces possible time on
the computer.

Yes, NO food solution is perfect.

I think that people SHOULD notice that once again the food conversation
is degenerating to the point where people's statements having become
badly exaggerated by a few on each side and that helps no one, while
it also sets the stage for fights beginning if they have not already.

When food discussions become more about beliefs, intolerance, insults,
and exaggerations rather than about BALANCE, FAIRNESS, AND RESPECT we
all suffer. So, why in the world do people repeatedly do that to the
food discussions?

Sukie (not a vet)
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[Posted in FML 5420]