O.k. so baby food isn't really raw but in our home if it hasn't been
blended with other ingredients to make a tasty soup then it is
considered raw.

I make 3 different recipes for my group, all contain some flavor of
meat baby food, some with kibble or AD, some not.

Dante has radar when it comes to baby food. As quietly as I possibly
can I move the baby jars to in front of the blender, quiet as a mouse.
Within seconds I hear Dante scrambling up to the top level of the
cabinet Lazy Susan, then he stands straight up on his short back legs
and begs for his raw baby food. Doesn't matter which flavor of baby
food, he begs for them all. If I don't pay attention to him he
streeeetches his neck and paws and reaches up to the counter trying to
find the jars to pull down. Not sure how he thinks he's going to get
them open but obviously he doesn't see that as a problem. I scoop a
spoon full of baby food, turkey or lamb, into a lid and place it on the
shelf for Dante to eat. He eagerly licks the lid spotless. When he's
finished his Raw baby food he's ready for a small saucer of recipe so
my hope is that I've placed enough baby food in the lid that he'll stay
busy till I'm finished blending the recipe. Dante is the only one that
likes Raw baby food or will eat cold baby food recipe. Others have come
up to see what he's eating and turn away with the cutest expression of

Dante also checks out whatever I'm eating. Dante doesn't like beef or
pork and he'll try with all his might to tip my plate onto the floor
if it is something he doesn't like. Guess if he doesn't like it I'm
not suppose to eat it either. He doesn't like rice or popcorn, is iffy
about noodles, but he does like bran flakes almost as much as baby
food, and peanut butter kisses. It's amazing how many bran flakes
Dante can get in that little mouth of his and how many he can eat!
He particularly likes Kashi brand.

Oh, and when he chews on a N-bone, I'm suppose to hold it for him.

When Dante first joined our family, Sully bullied him but Dante didn't
back down and they settled their disagreement before long. The other
day Sully was in the cage because he had bullied the new baby, Simba.
Sully was sleeping in the hammock and Dante was pacing around the cage.
I opened the cage door and Dante promptly went up to the second level
and snuggled closely around Sully. Awwww. When Sully is running around
Dante is always close to him and I think he is trying to tell Sully
to behave so he won't get stuck in the cage again because I often see
Dante gently putting his chin on the back of Sully's neck, but Sully
is more stubborn than Dante is convincing.

But Dante keeps trying. And Sully goes in Friday for a double melatonin
implant to settle his furry little self down. hmph!

What a character Dante is.

hugs to all.

[Posted in FML 5420]