Well golly! Mom keeps scolding me for tasking n-bones away from Austin,
Albus and Biscuit- they taste better than the ones she gives me HONEST!
Now Austin says I better be careful cause Santa Paws won't bring me any
of my own-- gosh I hope he doesn't stop by when treat time comes
around! Momma got a package form a nice friend named Florence-- it has
some sleepers in it-- ones that Florence sewed up form a big box of
fabric Mom shipped her. She will be auctioning one set nearer the
Holiday and is going to give Nestle one set for Christmas-- which I
understand is earlier this year jest for him. Oh Boy I can hardly wait!

The room is so fresh and new! Today was clean up day and we was pretty
good in not making it a huge mess! BUT THAT WILL CHANGE, I saw Momma
put NEW RICE into the dig box and best yet she checked all the shredded
paper and it was really clean so she left it and mixed 50 pounds of new
rice in... tomorrow is play hard and spill the rice day! I can hardly
wait! Momma is also finalizing our ANNUAL HOLIDAY RAFFLE to benefit
Ferret Wise- this year there are some really neat things like : a SPA
Gift set donated by Patty K our friend worth over $100, and A bright
colored hand crocheted afghan by shelter Foster grandparent Sandra Fox,
Then there is a set of 2 Ferret in the pocket tees ( name the sizes),
and a genuine turquoise hand strung necklace, and certainly not least
is the PRICELESS and WONDERFUL Acrylic storage chest with 6
compartments and etched ferrets on the top from shelter friend
Stephenie Baas in Holland. Information will be with the newsletter
mailing and soon on the web we will send you a special announcement

Well we is going to get the windows covered tomorrow too Dad puts
sheets of plastic up to make sure it is not too drafty for us kids. He
sure is working hard this weekend... He was running some thing today
gots the kids all wound up Momma said it is the snow blower... hmmm
wonder what that is.. anyway he was making sure things run well like
the generator so MAYBE that means we are going to get the white stuff
Austin and Nestle chitter about. That sounds like fun! Only a few more
weeks 'til Momma sells lots of baked goodies at the Petco ( that still
has no ferrets). She could always use some helpers iffen you out there
want to join in. It would be nice so she doesn't have to work quite so
hard-- then she will have more time to play with us!

I might even talk her into baking some of her nice chocolate brownies
for you iffen you help LOL.!!!! Jest bring on them n-bones!

The newsletter is here- Momma brought in the 4th quarter newsletters
and jest needs to find time to stuff em into envelopes and get them to
the post lady... they are here and will be there as soon as she can!
Daddy got scratched by a cat tonight- one of the silly young ones which
sometimes sneaks down here. The young boys were wrestling and one
rolled thorough a ferret territorial marker hahaha. Well Momma asked
Dad to bathe him and the cat got out of the towel Dad wrapped him in...
but the scratches were smaller than Mom expected-- he should be just
fine Mom made sure he put some good stuff on before he went to bed.
Lots of action here with all us critters around.

Oh yeah we do have bunches of ebay stuffs up this week to help us with
the oil & lectric bills so we can keep warm and see on rainy days. If
you are hankering for some gift items maybe you will check these out!
We will be very pleased!

RARE EMBROIDERED CAP 4 Ferret WISe ENDS: Nov-07-06 06:29:34 PST

2 Flat Hammies    ENDS:  Nov-07-06  07:04:12 PST

FERRETS USA NEW 2007 ANNUAL  ENDS: Nov-07-06 07:12:52 PST

HOLIDAY HAMMOCK GIFT STE 4 Ferret WIse ENDS:Nov-10-06 17:31:42 PST



Well, thanks for reading up on our quiet shelter life.. hahahah hope
Mom doesn't hold her breath-- we got lots to do this week.

Lively licks from your furry friend,

Blossom, spokesferret

[Posted in FML 5417]