For anyone who was still waiting on eggs, you will be getting them this
week!! Thank God and Greyhound I finally got em all done. Now I will be
starting on the ones I had people's names on the waiting list and
getting eggs done for Christmas and the Giving Tree kids; the eggs have
been such a big hit with the Giving Tree kids.

I apologize again for the long wait but with the health problems I
have, that is what kept getting in the way of everything.

My ordering system has changed, I don't have it up and in place yet but
it will be in just a few days. When you go to my site looking either
for bedding or eggs, what you see at the site, that is what I have on
hand; in other words, if you go to my site and I have 6 dozen eggs
available there, if someone orders them, those 6 dozen will be taken
off the page but then as soon as I have more made, I will post them on
my site. I will be updating it daily to reflect changes in on-hand
my site in search of eggs and see none, you can always email me and get
your name on the list for the next bunch of eggs I have available.

I will get as many done as I can for Christmas, I cannot make any
promises but I will get as many made as possible; barring any problems
or me going into pneumonia again so I know I will be very very busy
over the next several weeks. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you all so very much for all the orders and
for the names I have on the waiting list, I will be contacting you very
soon about sending payment for your eggs so I can get them mailed to

My famous crochet ferret eggs:
Please, go to the Giving Tree page and select a little ferret to play
Santa to this year. Read up on what this project is all about or you
can contact me for details. You can't go wrong spending a few dollars
so some little ferret will rceive something for Christmas this year
whether that be a new piece of beddng, a new toy, or their favorite
treat. This is a wonderful annual event for shelter and rescue ferrets
from all over the US and Canada Love costs so little but the benefits
are boundless to the little fuzzy who receives your gift.

[Posted in FML 5417]