Hello Everyone!

We are working on setting up an online ferret resource. We know this is
a huge undertaking, so I am asking all of you here on the list to let
me know of your favorite shelters and why they are so great. You can
email me directly at [log in to unmask] . I am looking for great
shelter's that really care about the ferrets they house and adopt out.
No-Kill only, of course.

Please include your name and email (if different from the one you are
responding from), the shelter's name, the director's/owner's name, the
shelter's physical address, website, and phone number - If you don't
have all that, I can research it through Google and find it.

I want to extend a huge round of thanks to anyone who can help us out.

Once we have everything up we hope to be a valuable resource to not
only those who have ferrets, but to educate those who do not and are
considering "jumping in" to a commitment that they may not be entirely
ready for. Our goal is to better help the animals and afford a welcome
mat to inquisitive humans.

All proceeds will go towards ferret shelters, animal support groups,
and helping animals in need directly across the United States. We're

hoping to officially launch the site come February 2007. 
Wish us luck. =)

P.S. As an incentive: The more shelters you donate with complete and
accurate information, the more of a chance you have of winning an
awesome Pink Ferret Wristband that says "I Love My Ferret" on it.
So, send us that info! (You can view the band on the first page of
our not-yet-set-up store)


Brandi L. Havill
[log in to unmask]

Pink Ferret Online Resource
1332 Duvall Ave NE D45
Renton, WA 98059

425.988.3361 voice
425.988.3361 fax


[Posted in FML 5416]