I have two ferrets here that really keep me baffled. We will start with
Simone. She is my 8 year old girl. When Simone goes to the potty, she
cries. She whimpers like a constipated man that just ate chilli! I
asked the vet why? Why does she cry? Her poops are normal, her bottom
looks normal and she pees. Why on earth does she cry? He said maybe she
just doesn't like going. It baffles me!

Second is Jag. Jag is my 7 year old. He just lost his cagemate Fatty
and has now started to eat his poopies! He rarely makes it to his box
anymore, he has PLENTY of food always in his dish. I have never heard
tell of a ferret doing that. YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!!!! I try to hurry up and
grab it as soon as he does it, however, sometimes I have to track down
the roll of paper towels that some other heathen dragged off and by the
time I get to it, he has eaten it. It just grosses me right the heck

Any ideas on WHY WHY WHY these two have such bizarre behaviors?


[Posted in FML 5411]