Wow, Wolfy, thank you so much for getting this started. I remember so
well the LV symposium. But Reb stood out in my memory LONG before that
2001 meeting. Wasn't that bathtub great? So much fun for all until Mr.
Hon arrived!

My first remembrance of Reb was seeing her byline, of which Alexandra
reminded us: Beware of dragons for thou art crunchy and taste good with
ketchup. I just HAD to meet this woman! But, I lost her somewhere in
the internet. I asked everyone who the "dragon" lady was. Finally, I
found her. I had the privilege of getting to know her in LV, where she
personally took care of Wolfy. I can attest to this being no easy task!

After that, I did not need to look for Reb, as she was everywhere. I
grew to love and respect her. This group of internet friends becamethe
most wonderful people in my life. I learned to accept people atface
value and not to judge by appearances - on the internet, there are
none. Nobody I met looked like I thought they would! And, the hearts
of each of you were so large!

Last month I was so tired and depressed about something. Reb offered to
adopt me! The wonderful group of friends - some of whom I have never
met - jumped in and were willing to share custody! What a riot! Ya
know, I plan to visit all those people now, just to let them know I
appreciate them.

This week Reb sent a very nice note, never mentioning that she wasn't
100%. I wish now that there were more visits possible. I talked to
Larry, Reb's husband. yesterday. I introduced myself and told him I
was a friend of Reb's. Do you know what he said? He said, "You're in
her phonebook."

I will be going back over past emails to see what other memories lie
hidden. But, I wonder, who's in YOUR phonebook? Why not pick up the
phone and let them know how special they are.

renee :)
It's amazing how much can be accomplished if nobody cares who gets the
Ferret Emergency Response, Rescue & Evacuation Team (F.E.R.R.E.T.)
International Ferret Congress
American Red Cross

[Posted in FML 5408]