Dear FMLers,

I would like to show pictures of a ferret door I maid. I had a similar
problem with my ferrets getting into my kitchen. Not only was the
refrigerator and stove a worry, but keeping them out of the cupboards
was proving impossible. It just became apparent I needed to keep them
out. But how was the problem.

A good friend 'Sandi' of Heaven Scent had doors like the one I am about
to show. She told me she had maid hers from wood paneling and PVC. Hers
were permanent fixtures. Since I have skin kids I had to make mine
removable. So I went to Lowe's and purchased dry erase marker board. I
then used A Dremal tool for cutting and drilling. I choose slide latch
locks so I could remove my door. I also added Velcro for added push
protection in the comers. They take me less than 1 hour to make. And
thus...My ferrets could not get in my kitchen any more!

I don't know that this will help every one, as houses are all
different. But it is a idea to work with if you have a troubled room
for your ferrets.

Hope this helps, Dooks,


[Posted in FML 5408]