On Oct 25, 2006, at 2:00 AM, Debbie H. wrote:

>... ferret-proofing was like child-proofing for a 2-year-old
> who can fit into a 1"x1" space. How true!
>So far:
>*Cabinets locked down
>*Toilet seat always down
>*Stove drawer checked for seal
>****Now what in the world do I do for the refrigerator?

Most modern refrigerators no longer have exposed vanes at the back.
Some older fridges have a compartment at floor level with the
compresser in it; you can block this off with square mesh, like cages
are made from. Use lengths of wire to hold it to the flange around the
opening, or else nuts and bolts. You might need to drill holes in the
flange, but that isn't going into the refrigerator itself.

The real problem we ran into was the stove. One little girl was small
enough to squeeze under the stove, and from there would burrow up
through the insulation and under the burner lid! We finally fastened a
1x2 to the floor with screws, just in front of the stove and another
tiny piece on the floor where the stove extends further than the
cabinet. Now the linoleum is all scratched there, where she still 
tries to burrow in, but she can't get in. The oven, on the other hand,
doesn't hold heat very well anymore; she's moved the insulation all

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom...

[Posted in FML 5407]