I'm glad to see others were as disgusted with that page as I was.  I
think I may know who did that and if so she shouldn't be too hard to
trace.  If it is the person I think it is she goes out of her way to
harrass, even stalk people.  I and a few friends have her hatemail to
prove it.  She has been banned from many lists and groups and hates me
because I banned her from my yahoo group Ferret Care and removed her
again after she sneaked in under a false name.  I am not naming who I
think this is at this point because I do want to find out from where
the message originated, if Big can do that, so as not to falsely accuse
anyone.  I hope she is prepared to go to court to defend her actions
and possibly her home ownership.

Big do you remember me telling you that someone admitted to a friend of
mine that a person on her yahoo group, a friend of hers, created an
identity very close to mine and was posting hateful messages on the FML
to make me look bad?  You were going to have a look at the recent
archives to see if you could track this.  Well it might be this identity
that she was talking about the ferretsheltermom.  That's very similiar
to an identity I use on my yahoo group and she knows it.  Do you have
capabilities to trace the IPS and IP address..  I think you'll find it
on the east coast.

Barb I'm so sorry you were depicted in this obviously made to be
degrading manner.  don't know how you feel about it but I do wish you
would pursue finding out who changed this site from what BIG saw to such
a scene as what I assume many of us saw.  For what it's worth I did show
it to my daughter who had the same reaction that I did and it wasn't that
"Barb's bad", but rather that whoever did this is a mightly horrid person
who I feel just can not possibly respect or love ferrets to hurt a rescue
champion in this manner.  We had already decided that we would never be
part of that site..  I'm glad to see that neither would many of you.


Vicki Montgomery
Tricks and Treats Rescue
Greater Houston/Galveston Texas
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"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man
will not himself find peace." ~ Dr. Albert Schweitzer

[Moderator's note: I do have IP information and log entries but further
help will be need from the originating ISP.  The legal department will
decide where to take things from here.  BIG]

[Posted in FML 5384]