Personally, we prefer consistent times out for training. In 25 years +
with ferrets we've found that approach most effective with the best
long-term results.

Some scents worsen biting, and some deodorizers are hard on lungs and
not just on ferret lungs... See Archives.

Do have the vet check the teeth when you get the next regular kit vet
check-up, and check them yourself as well.

This is an old and well established site which should help you:

Re: yogurt

Our local A&P recently began carrying Greek yogurt with fruit or honey
(a mix-it-yourself). It has live cultures and we have only had one
ferret who had problems with yogurt with live cultures and the small
serving in volume packs 180 calories. It is DENSE -- kind of between
yogurt and cheesecake. The ferrets like it and did well on it, even one
who can not stomach heavy cream or any other cream, so we are
remembering it among other things used for sick times when calories are

-- Sukie (not a vet, and not speaking for any of the below in my
private posts)
Recommended health resources to help ferrets and the people who love
Ferret Health List
FHL Archives
AFIP Ferret Pathology
International Ferret Congress Critical References

[Posted in FML 5405]