**I spoke too soon!!! I couldn't get this to send until this

My Dear, Dear FML Friends,

The other night, when my computer was FINALLY cooperating, I was having
a late night trying to get caught up on my E-mail. For noise mostly,
I had the TV on. Half listing to "Da Vinchi's Inquest" ( an
investgator/dectective type program) I hear, " What's that?" "It's a
ferret" Of course my ears perked up! I turned my head just in time to
see a "DEAD" (Not dead in reality, although, they did a darn good job
of making it look dead!) ALBINO FERRET!!!!!!!! He/she had a harness on,
and a comment was made in regard to his leash in the back seat. Another
comment was, "some people have them as pets, can you believe that?" 

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! It was SO upsetting!!!! I know, that's TV, it's not
real, BUT, THAT poor baby was depicting a dead ferret. (Please forgive
my naitivity but, it CAN'T REALLY be dead, could it?? They can't do
that, right?? I cannot see how the script writers could even remotely
think that there is even a shred of possibility, that this "portrayal"
could present ferrets with the dignity they deserve! At this point on
this program, they had not given one clue as to why it was neccessary
to show a DEAD ferret!! How is it important to the story that a DEAD
ferret was shown in the trunk of the missing murdered persons car.

Story line ferret mention again. One dectective discussing case to
another said that they had the victim's car impounded. The other asked,
what happened to the ferret.? The first dectective replied, Oh, he's in
a baggie in the freezer. The first dectective told the second to find
out how the ferret died. The second said that he already knew. The
ferret's neck was broken when the leash jerked taut when the victim's
car crashed into the river. 

I am assuming at this point, that the purpose of having a sweet ferret
be depicted in this program as a dead ferret, so I will continue this
play by play for you. Not that I could possibly think of one, but this
program better have a darned good reason as to have a ferret shown as
dead, and then discussed in this manner! As of this moment, the only
saving grace, and a small one at that, is that the ferty was shown with
a collar & that a leash was nearby. Also that there was a commemt made
about people having them as pets.

OK, here's the suppos-ed explaination as to the involment of the ferret
in this story-line.. The victim's wife was in the car with her husband.
She had her ferret with her (Appparently they were out taking a ride. I
missed a few words here and there.). She, in broken english, & with a
heavy russian accent tells them that when the car hit river "weasle
snaps neck" the victim gets out, she goes on to say "and puts "weasel"
in trunk like dead mother!" The husband(victim) for some reason, went
out into the river and accidently drowned. AND with that, I think, is
most likely the end of the ferret's part in this program.

STILL I left this program shaking my head and wondering, what the
heck??? I just can't seem to get the image of that sweet, sweet "dead"
albino baby out of my head.( I don't guess it might have something to
do with the fact that at this very moment my perty little ferty DEW,
Nikki, is sleeping with her brother at my feet!) The story would have
been fine without all of that. But then, maybe I'm just being over
sensitive. If there is any good that came of it all, there is that
FERRET, and PET, and COLLAR, and LEASH were mention in the same
conversation. One technical goof though, the writers need to do
their homework the next time they decide to have a ferret in their
story-line. Then they would have known, that if a ferret is on a leash,
he should be in a harness not a collar as these precious little escape
artists will slip right out of a collar when using a leash (Shoot,
they can very easily slip out of collars with OUT being on a leash!)

So much for getting caught up with my E-mail !!!!!!!!! I guess I was
just meant to see that program and share it with you instead.

I think I'll go give my DEW girl, and my 'BINO girl an extra special,
super duper, mommy hug & lotsa kissies so that I can shake that awful
image of the ferret in that TV program..

Dooks, Dooks, & More Dooks
Sue & Crew
DA BOYZ----------Chance, Storm, & Scooby
THE LADIES-----Nikki, Annie, & itty-bitty Scarlett

[Posted in FML 5402]