Sukie wrote:
>Until there is good hard data which survives strict peer review and
>challenges feeding remains just is a situation where no one except
>people feeding junk need to ride the guilt train.

I totally agree with Sukie that we should not feel guilty about what we
feed our ferrets. We have been led to believe that processed food,
because it has been formulated by scientists and vets, must be the
healthiest option. 

Pet food, along with petrolium products and coffee, is one of the
biggest industries world wide(1). Two of the biggest pet food
producers are names you'll recognise: Mars (aka Waltham Pet Nutrition)
and Nestle (Purina).

It is no wonder that we have been swayed by such powerful advertising.

The reason that I, and many others like me, are disenchanted with
processed food, is because it keeps ferrets alive, but does not keep
them healthy.

Dr Tom Lonsdale has a peer reviewed book that has been published and is
available to read free online at
This is good hard data. (Dr Lonsdale was nominated for a College Prize
from the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists in 2004) While it
does not specifically target ferrets, it is about carnivore companion
animals which is what our little furry friends are. It is simply
written (even I can understand it.) and has some very enlightening
facts about the carnivore digestive system and bowel flora. The cooked
vs raw meat section, too, is very interesting. Actually, the whole book
is interesting. :-)

"Junk food" is described as being high in calories and low in
nutrition. If you read the book, I wonder where you will draw the line.

(1)  Raw Meaty Bones By Dr Tom Lonsdale

[Posted in FML 5401]