Hi all dis is SaraFerret.  Mommy is so upset as she once again had to let
another of her furchildren depart for de Rainbow Bridge.  Ernest was one
of fosters from Dr Bobbi's shelter.  He was de cagemate of Fred and Cocoa
Poof (the Denmark Crazy Fert).  Mommy was cwying so hard dat de Boss
gives me special, very special permission to go to Earth to pick up
Ernest spirit and bring it here.  Dere was Mommy diggin a hole in de
memorial garden where about 20 or so ferrets and numerous cats and 1
doggie is buried.  She was so surprised to see me perched on her
shoulder.  Shocked I tink was de word.  After all, she had only heard my
voice over de years.  I tried to console her dat Ernest was in no more
pains.  She tells me she knows and den I pick up Ernest's spirit and made
our departure to de Bridge where all of a sudden he and his body became
one when he crossed.  Kind of a miracle wouldnt ya say.

When we gots across, wowsie dere was music from Samantha Ferret's
clarinet and Sweet singing de Ferret Promise Song and all de Angels
singing songs of praise and joy.  Dis was de most beautiful music.
Biggie tears from all of us ferrets.  It was so beautiful.  Ernest was
kind of sad to leave Mommy and Fred, although he didnt miss de Denmark
Furry as he smelled kind of bad and was always hopping around.

He also pooed everywhere, as his mommy didnt teach him right.  I told him
dat our human Mommy had met his Mommy and unfortunately the encounter
didnt go well, our Mommy was chomped on the lip and de blood flowed
everywhere--hands clothes, lots blood; but Mommy managed to make it tru
it.  And she did take Cocoa Poof home.  So it wasnt really Cocoa's fault.

Ernest noticed my wings and his brothers and sisters wings and all de
others wings and finally asks if he gets some of dem and by de way who
was I.  OOPS!  I messes up.  I is SaraFerret, a bridge greeter.

Oh yeah, Mommy told me abouts you, de champion biter, no ferret she had
ever had ever bit as much as you did and you were her first ferret--makes
ya wonder why she got more.  I tells him Mommy just loves furries--her
heart just goes out to little animals who are nots treats well.  So all
of us--now how do we gets 500 or so furries into Kit and Kaboodle went
dere to select wings.  Auntie MaryFerret was waiting for us--how could
she miss de racket.  She had de wings already selected.  Ernest nudged me
and whispered I tought I was sposed to pick out my wings--hush Ernest--if
Auntie Mary picks out de wings you are special ferret and you will love
dem--I promises you.  Okay he says.  And she lays dem on de table and
carefully unwraps dem and dere was blue paper all in between each layer
sos you know dey were special--wowsie--gossamer blue--no designs--dey
looked like de wings of de human's angels and he trys dem on and dey fit
perfect and he looks in de mirror and smiled and den he saw de Boss in
back of him.  De Boss smiled and said Ernest I am so proud of you.

I knew Ernest would have many days ahead for tours so we went to his new
home where dere was a big party set up for him and for once de mousey
angels did not make this one for him, his family had fixed all de treats
and set up his new hammy and had all the floors fixed for dancing and de
directions pointing to de slides and mudbaths and baths and all dat.
Ernest was so surprised that this was all for him and he just sat for a
while slurping on a pepsi and eating crackers wit squirt cheese.
Occasionally even a mousey angel would zip by wit rather hurt feelings
dat they werent ask to set up de party, but dey decided dey would help
by handing out all de treats and such.  (Bless dere little hearts).

And so ended another day at de Rainbow Bridge.  And now Mommy only has
six ferrets.  She used to have so many.  And now she feels lost without
them.  But she is sick now and Daddy feels dat until she gets better she
should have anymore dan six.

Hugs and loveys

[Posted in FML 5384]