On Oct 16, 2006, at 2:25 AM, renee :) wrote:
Subject: The Joy of Ferrets
Awwww....does anyone know where this is? 

BIG already answered -- Florida -- but here is more information: The
Blessing of the Animals is part of the celebration of the Feast Day of
St. Francis of Assisi, October 4th. What I find interesting is that the
Florida ceremony was performed by a Lutheran Church; I wasn't aware
that Lutherans observed (or I should say adapted) any Saint's days.

Another ceremony is the Blessing of the Fields which is part of
Rogation Sunday, held in the spring and observed by the Episcopal
Church as well as by the Catholic Church. That one is fun because you
go walk out to the fields, and bless them and the cows and sheep and

Anyone know of any other similar ceremonies?

[Posted in FML 5400]