Hi Folks this is SaraFerret. Uh-mm. Mommy just saw de FML and just
abouts passed out. She tells me dat dats not whats she wrote.
Apparently dere was dis guy on ebay dat did someting bad like
shilling--I donts know what dat is but dats someting dats ebay says is
a major no-no and now he is messing wit Mommy's personal computer--
ohboy. Its called hacking. I always tought dat hacking was like a
cough-ya know-like a hacking cough--but Mommy says no-dats not de same
ting. But any way--Mommy doesnt know where dat mary johnson name even
came from and she has no idea where all dat gibberish came from dat
appeared in de FML. Anyway she sure feels really bad and hopes dat
Missy Susan isnt too upset wit her. But I tells her dat she should just
rewrite it just de way I told it to her in de first place and I know
Missy Susan and she is such a nice lady and she just wouldnt be upsets
wit Mommy. So here goes wit what really happened when Hershey Kisses
crossed over de bridge.

I was twying to sleep but I had de Pant-pant-pants again so de mousie
angels had dis steam tingie on, now I wasnt sick so I has no idea why
dey had dis ting going. Apparently one of dere mommys had told dem dat
de steamers was good for de pants, so dey insisted on doing it. Its was
very hot and I was very wet. So dere I was hot-hot-hot and
pant-pant-pant. Den de loudspeaker went off--SaraFerret report to de
Bridge immediately. So I hopped and runs to de Bridge. OOPS! I dripped
all de way to de bridge. Dere was note dere. It says I was to go to
Missy Susan's shelter vet and pick up Hershey Kisses spirit as her
little body finally wore out from hard fought battle wit dat lymphoma.
Aw--I can remember how Mommy fought so hard to keep me going wit dat
nasty critter. I was just as naked as dey come and I smelled bad too,
and bit too, but Mommy hug me and kisses me anyway. Knowing Missy Susan
I knew she had fought hard for little Hershey Kisses. How could you not
love a little fur-child wit a name like Hershey Kisses. The very name
sounded like hugs and love. So anyway I arrived just as her little body
gave up and Missy Susan was cwying so hard and little Hershey Kisses
was laying dere and even her dr had a tear in her eye. Even tho Missy
Susan couldnt see me I hugged her hard. I hoped she knew dat I was
dere. I picked up littled Hershey Kisses spirit--it was a strong little
spirit-you could tell it had been a strong fighter. I could see dat
girl had been a lot like me. A proud biter. I know I know. Some of us
are just born to bite. But I really tink dat my biteyness came because
I had been trown against de wall so much and I was going to ask Hershey
Kisses about dat when I got her to her new home.

Off we flew. Oh great. I've got the Pant-pant-pants again. I must ask
de Boss if He can do someting about dis. He has all de answers so
surely dere is someting He can do for dese lousey Pant-pant-pants.
Maybe its to keep me from being too proud. If so, its sure sure
succeeded (dictionary again). Sure enough in de middle of de Rainbow
Bridge Hershey Kisses became a whole beautiful ferret again--in fact
you woulnt know she had ever been sick. She was just beautiful. She
looks at me. Now to be honest. I hasnt gots much hair--bushy tail--but
thin-thin hair. I am walking de rest of de way across de bridge wit her
and I introduces myself to her: Hi I am SaraFerret one of de Rainbow
Bridge Greeters--This is your new home. She looked at me and said--uh
what happen to your hair Ms SaraFerret. Well I had dis nasty disease
like you did calls lymphomia or someting likes dat. She says Oh. She
looks at her reflection and she says wowsie I gots lots of hair-I
tought I had lost all of dat. I tells her yep you did. Well she said
where did it come from. Its a bit of a story. When we get to your new
home, I will tell you about it. New home, she says. New home???????

Shhh! I says. I'll talk to you later. Do you hear the music? And she
perks up and den she sees her friends and den her special friend Millie
is right dere when she gets to de entrance and dey run into each others
paws. Awww isnt dat sweet!!!!!

Hershey Kisses notices dat her buddy Millie has wings. Wowsie Millie
you gots wings!!!! Wait a minute, everybody here has wings.

She looks at me and tells me Ms SaraFerret you even have wings! Yep I
sure do! Do I get wings she asks? Yes you do I tells her.

Do you want to go select yours now. Yes sure do, and all her shelter
friends have arrived and she is almost in shock when she sees all of
them--they race over to Kit and Kaboodle and all of dem try to get into
de door at de same time. Hey folks dat wont work! I tells dem. How
about one at a time. (Have you ever tried to tell a ferret dat he/she
cant do someting--dat's an automatic yes I can--if dey can get dere toe
in dey can get de rest of dere body in) Sure enough-in spite of all of
my talk, everyone manages to get in dere at once. Amazing what fur-kids
can do when you tells dem dey can do someting. Hershey Kisses looks at
de selection of wings and she is besides herself wit de choices and
walks backs and forth. Which one-which one. Finally Auntie Mary Ferret
comes out and puts and end to poor Hershey Kisses indecision (I'm
getting good at dose dictionary words). She chose a beautiful set of
wings and halo for Hershey Kisses and they fit her perfectly.

Hershey turned to me and says Okay I'm ready to go back home to Missy
Susan's now. (I knew dat dis was gonna happens) Uh Hershey, dis is your
home now. You cant go back to Missy Susan's. What do you mean I cant go
back? I tells her do you see all of de other shelter ferrets here
including your fur-sister Millie? Yes, she says. Do you see dem going
home? She says well, why can dey go home?

I tells her, well, Hershey dere is a book around dat de Boss sometimes
talks about dat says someting abouts deres a time for living and a
times for dying and time for everyting under de heavens. Oh she says.
So dats what happened to me. Yeppers I says. It happened to me and my
brothers and sisters here too. It hurts me a lot when I left my Mommy
too. She said, It did. I tells her yep I cried and I carried on and I
threw fits and jumped on and down and it didnt do one bit of good,
cause I wasnt going back to Mommy.

But I will tell you a marvelous thing. Its joyful here. No pain no
suffering. We dance, we play, we enjoy life and we wait for our humans
to cross de bridge one day and we will meet dem and we will dance
together forever.

Hugs and dooks

[Posted in FML 5400]