I must say that I truly understand about the need for funds for a
rescue. What I don't understand is that you want people to donate to
your residence. Maybe I am mistaken but you stated that the ferrets
would be in the basement. Most of us who house ferrets in our own home,
pay for that home ourselves even though we give up certain rooms just
for the ferrets. Any donations given, especially for a 501 (c)(3), 100%
of the funds are for the ferrets, vet bills, cages, food, etc. and not
for our own living space. How would you separate that.

I would love for people to pay my mortgage or even a downpayment on a
house just because I have a large quantity of ferrets to care for. If
you get the 501(c)(3) you must be careful to make sure you are putting
peoples donations toward the care of the ferrets. You cannot combine
your own living expenses, like heating, house payments etc. with that
of a sanctuary. I hope you understand what I am saying. It was just
strange to see your request for a downpayment on a house as a donation
for the ferrets. Maybe I am misunderstanding.


[Posted in FML 5395]