Dooks and salutations to all on the FML.

I have been away for a couple of weeks, had emergency gall bladder removal
at Covenant Hospital in Saginaw, Michigan (a 2 hour drive from my home in
Oscoda, or 108 miles one way). I went in on Thursday, September 28, kept
overnight for more tests on Friday, and on Saturday, September 30, 2006, at
0900 (9:00am) I was wheeled into the Operating Room.  I was released at 1745
(5:45pm) and came home.

While I underwent surgery to remove the gall bladder, my little girl, TRIXIE
went to the Rainbow Bridge.  She was a very special girl, all white, with
just a hint of white.  She was the daughter of Cloud Dancer, my Big Boy who
went to the Rainbow Bridge about 5 years ago (I think).  It is difficult to
remember when all of the different ferts left this physical plane for the
spiritual plane of eternal life, but I know that I shall see all of them

To all of you who have had your beloved Fuzzies leave and travel to the
Rainbow Bridge, please take my words of comfort and know that one day you
will be reunited with your beloved ferts for all eternity.

If anyone would like to talk to me as to why I believe that animals will be
in heaven, please contact me at
[log in to unmask], or I use Yahoo Instant Messenger

May the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding, be with each
and every one of you, my brothers and sisters.

Rev. Ronald L Sims, D.D. & Family:
2 hooman-beans, owned by 1 fert, 2 canines, and 2 felines

[Posted in FML 5393]