Hi there Bridge Greeters!

Please contact Bear, Bonnie, Boozer, Clyde, Dharma, Precious Peanut,
Sage, StinkMan, Teddy, Tweaky & Wiley, and ask them to join the fret
that will be doing the greet for our precious curmudgeon Joey, who
started on his way to the Bridge Friday morning at 10am of unknown
causes.  He had a love for life and fun that is seldom seen in a
rescue, and he knew that he was loved totally.

He started showing signs that something was wrong Thursday night and in
less than 14 hours he slipped quietly away from his earthly family to
join his other family members at the bridge.

Joey came to us around 5 years ago as a very abused and neglected little
guy.  Our guesstimate of his age was around 9 - 12 months old.  He
couldn't be handled as he would bite to draw blood anywhere he could
latch on.  During the years he spent here with us, he became a sweet and
loving little guy with a real fetish for feet, toes and socks.  He didn't
give kisses often, so when he did, you knew if was something soooo
special.  He gave us kisses just a few minutes before he slipped into a
sound sleep, then off to the bridge.

Joey would eat just about any people food at least to be able to brag to
his brudders and sissy's that he got something special to eat from mom
and dad.  He loved ice cream and milk to a fault.  So we had to keep
those items up out of his reach when we were busy taking care of the
other kids or having to run to the little frets room.  One time he even
managed to scale the fireplace to get to a glass of milk sitting on the
mantle.  He loved his tone and vite, as well as fruit bites, 8 n' 1
treats of all kinds.  He simply adored cantaloupe and cucumbers,
cheerios, spaghetti & tuna fish.

This little charmer is a chocolate sable with plenty of tude.  He'll
be wearing a huge backpack with plenty of supplies for everyone, and
blankies and toys for any who needs or wants one.

He loves snuggling with other kids and enjoys all kinds of ferret and
people food.  He also hopes there is a soda fountain where he can get
his favorite drinks of Code Red and 7UP once in a while.  His favorite
color is blue and he loves any kind of ball that makes racket.

Please show him around the bridge with his brudders & sissy's by his side
and tell him that his human mommy and daddy are missing him something
terrible and that we will always be thinking of him and all the kids
waiting for us at the bridge.

I guess Joey knew that Grandpa would be joining him in a couple of
months due to cancer, and he needed to go ahead and get things ready
to greet his grampy.

We Love You JoJoBean, we miss you and wish you didn't have to leave us
so suddenly.

Hugs & Kisses
Mom, Dad & fuzz brudders & Sissy's

[Posted in FML 5390]