I received many wonderful comments about the poignant moment I posted
about yesterday.  I'm sorry the picture link didn't work.  Here is a
new link, I think I have the problem fixed.


That picture was taken at the shelter this past Sunday.  When I got home
and uploaded it to my computer I thought it illustrated better than any
words what sheltering is all about.  Precious moments like the one I
captured on film.

I was also asked about the story behind the picture.  The ferret is a
little boy named Tarna.  He and his cagemate Buffy were brought to the
shelter two weeks ago.  They are the product of divorce.  The mom
retained custody of the kids.  When the dad went to visit, he discovered
his beloved ferrets severely neglected.  (I won't go into the details,
but it was an abusive situation.) The man promptly gathered up the
ferrets and heartbroken brought them to the shelter.  His current
situation does not allow him to keep them.

Tarna is not doing very well.  Sunday he was fed and loved on by one
of the shelter volunteers.  He definitely knew he was safe and loved.
Content for the moment, he settled down to sleep peacefully in the
volunteers arms.

Here is a picture of Tarna being fed.  He is happy to lap his soup from
the end of the syringe.

Thank you for all your good thoughts and wishes for this sweet little

[Moderator's note: Yesterday's link did work for me, but I usually wrap
long links into multiple lines, if needed.  I'm starting to think this
causes more problems than it solves, so unless I receive complaints, I
will no longer wrap: Starting today, long links won't be split across
multiple lines.  Many e-mail programs split them anyhow, which is why
I tried to split them into logical chunks for you, but let's see if me
not messing with them works better for more of you.  BIG]

[Posted in FML 5385]