OH NO!  Possum here... mum is really really ascared that we will run out
of lectric during the day when there is no one to hook up our generator
for us to keep our cold machine going.  Because Andy is sick with
breathing mum is afraid it will get to hot and Andy will not breath and
then he will have to go back to the hospital.  Can you help us get a
transfer switch so mum can hook up the generator all by herself, when
the lectric goes out and the cold machine stops working?  PLEEEAAASE....
We need a 200 amp transfer switch, rated 120 VAC / 240 VAC .  The switch
will be installed in the basement next to the breaker box, in the front
of the house.  The wiring will run to the back of the house so that the
generator is not seen from the road.  It will plug in on the back of the
The electrician says it is going to cost about $1,150.00 to accomplish
this.  This switch is not only going to keep the kids in electric; it is
going to keep them safe because we are using the proper item to plug the
generator into; to give us light, AC or heat when the electric is out.
Mum will be able to plug the generator in and throw the switch for our
electric to run safely all by herself.
$1.00 will buy us 1 watt hour capacity.
Phew!  That is alot of smart stuff to say..  thanks mum for helping me
with this!  Hey mum is Andy as Smart as you?
If you would like to help us you can send a donation to:
Brenda Johnson
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
PO Box 698
7835 Woodville Road
Naples, New York 14512
Pay Pal
  Shelter Donations
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Thank You
Possum & The Shelter Kids
Mum Too
Every $1 Gets Us Closer To Our Goal
[Posted in FML issue 5356]