Why have a boyfriend when you "have" ferrets instead?  Boyfriends are
just trouble anyhow, they never ever act like ferrets.  Everyone knows
MOST boyfriends aren't small, cute, and furry and MOST don't wardance
around the room when they're happy.  How many of your husbands out there
dook when you bring them dinner or offer them "treats"?  It's unheard
of!  And come on, how many of your husbands/boyfriends like to be oogled
and cuddled by random people when you take them out in public?  Not too
many, I'd say!
But see, every boyfriend I get..well..let's just say the ferrets send'em
packing.  Maybe they ARE a part of FLO after all and have more *sinister*
plans - I would not know..
Linda M.
Derby City Dookers Ferret Club Organizer
Seiko, Nanoki, Yukina, Sidney, and Lucius (whose name is final!) (the
kamikaze ferts)
Sachi, Atari, Lennox, Keoki, Ilo (ee-lo), and Kenzo (the wee ratlets)
<3 You will be missed Shinjin + Oliver. <3
No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink. - Murray Banks
Animals can communicate quite well.  And they do.  And generally
speaking, they are ignored. - Alice Walker
Hunt each other - leave the animals alone.
[Posted in FML issue 5381]