This is just pathetic.  I mean this whole flame war business, what good
will it do to rip on people?  I mean sure, we might get some short-lived
satisfaction for making our enemies cry their little hearts out when they
go to sleep tonight, but really..what good will it do?  And don't even
bring up how *I* emailed and asked to flame someone, because that's
just..totally irrelevant!!!
I suppose next you'll want to start a flame war about who has the coolest
ferrets, too, right?  Or how about..whose ferrets steal the most panties,
huh?  I bet you'll just tell everyone yours do, just because you think
you're all that and a bag of tater chips?  You think then everyone will
be like "Oh Alex, we worship you and your panty-thieving weasels!"  Well
guess what, MINE stole the most first and I've even got proof! that, Alex!  I bet your weasels couldn't snatch half as many
panties! :D
Linda M.
Derby City Dookers Ferret Club Organizer
Seiko, Nanoki, Yukina, Sidney, and Lucius (whose name is final!) (the
kamikaze ferts)
Sachi, Atari, Lennox, Keoki, Ilo (ee-lo), and Kenzo (the wee ratlets)
<3 You will be missed Shinjin + Oliver. <3
No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink. - Murray Banks
Animals can communicate quite well.  And they do.  And generally
speaking, they are ignored. - Alice Walker
Hunt each other - leave the animals alone.
[Posted in FML issue 5379]