Dear Ferret Folks-
Recent flame wars have convinced me that we just aren't going about this
*scientifically*.  Really, it's been a sort of a sloppy catch as catch
can event...waiting for some poor innocent victim to post something that
might *possibly* be construed in a poor light, and then grabbing them by
the back of the neck with fangs and basically humping the daylights out
of them until the fur flies.  A few willing participants will then jump
on the bandwagon and take their turns over a period of days.  It makes
the whole thing such a tedious, long drawn out affair.
I have a better idea.  Flame day.  Yes, flame day.  We can all just get
it out of our systems in one epic, Wagnerian flaming production.
Folks, here are your assigned victims for the day.  Remember, flame your
assigned partner, no coloring out of the lines, here!
Sukie- Flame BIG.
Wolfy- Flame Kat.
Deva- Flame Ardith.
Julie Coddington- Flame Rebecca McFarlane.
John Rich- Flame Shirley Hewitt.
Todd Rodeo Fuzzbutt- Flame Tootsie Meade.
Risa D.- Flame Robin Viera.
Debbi Sadowski- Flame Stacy Lamb
Debra Chapman- Flame Renee Downs
Linda Iroff- Flame Phyllis Spy
Fred Hurd- Flame Sukie
Ardith- Flame Todd Rodeo Fuzzbutt
Kat- Flame Risa D.
Rebecca McFarlane- Flame Wolfy
Shirley Hewitt- Flame Deva
Robin Viera- Flame John Rich
Stacy Lamb- Flame Fred Hurd
Phyllis Spy- Flame Debbie Sadowski
Renee Downs- Flame Julie Coddington
Tootsie Meade- Flame John Rich
BIG- Flame anyone you want!
And We'll ALL flame Kim Fox, because she's a really tough nut to crack.
Need a partner?  Want to be flamed?  We can work something out.
Alexandra in MA
[But some people get flamed twice that way.  Not fair, I say!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 5377]