Hi all - I wrote last week about my ten-month-old male, Caspar, who
has been fighting DIM for the past two weeks.  I heard back from a few
people with support and encouragement and shared stories of their own
experiences.  This was extremely helpful.  As there are only a handful
of survivors, I really needed to hear about the experiences of others.
I'm now asking for more specific assistance.  Are there any fellow
Canadians who have dealt with DIM?  In particular, I'm trying to find
out how to get cytoxin in injectable format at a reasonable price.
U.S. vets pay only about $12 for a vial, but my vet is paying $200.
That's a pretty huge difference, and I think there must be a better
way to get it.  I think the answer may be to go through a hospital,
but I don't know how to do that.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Debbie (Montreal)
[Posted in FML issue 5354]