How can man be so greedy and heartless?  I grieve about the death of
all the animals that this act would cause.  not only directly, but
indirectly.  Black footed ferrets, swift foxes,burrowing owl.  As well
as the target animal, the prairie dog.  Man acts as though only he has
the right to live.  And any other species that infringe on our right to
profit has to die!
I would suspect that is the reason the government has decided to poison
prairie dogs on public lands.  is because ranchers lease the land, and
heaven knows, They MIGHT take the food out of a cows mouth.  I doubt that
many, if ANY cows or horses would break a leg in a gopher hole unless
they were in a stampede.
I think it is time the people take thier land BACK!  Stop it being ran
for ranchers and others that don't care about the creatures that have a
RIGHT to live on public lands.  The black footed ferret is just now being
pulled back from the very brink of extinction.  Now must they die because
some one has decided to destroy natural wild life to suit a leasers
pleasure?  If they don't like the animals living on the land.  then don't
lease it!  Let the land be as natural as god made it.  And allow the
creatures living there be!
Myself, I would back any measure that would prevent any public lands
being used for grazing or other private use..  Animals have so little
habitat left.  It sickens me to think that they are not safe even on
public lands.  And what is even worse, the taxpayers end up paying for
the programs that benifit the distroyers...
[Posted in FML issue 5376]